Take Action to Help Rabbits! Here's what you can do to support AB 44—Fur P…

Take Action to Help Rabbits!

Here's what you can do to support AB 44—Fur Products Prohibition Act:

Email sjud.fax@sen.ca.gov.
Subject line should be “Re: AB 44 (Fur Products Prohibition Act) – SUPPORT”

Here is a suggested letter.

Body of the email
Dear Senate Committee members:
I am in support of AB 44, a measure that would make it unlawful to sell, give, or manufacture a new fur product in the state. Please support this bill without any exclusions. All animals deserve protection from the cruel and unnecessary fur trade.
On behalf of foxes, minks, rabbits and other animals that will be protected under the bill, I strongly urge you to support AB 44 when it comes before you for a vote next week on Tuesday July 9, 2019.
[Your Name] [Your City], California

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