Minnie Meets Kindergartners! Our wonderful therapy dog companion Minnie, an unp…

Minnie Meets Kindergartners!

Our wonderful therapy dog companion Minnie, an unpaid but very much loved and rewarded staff member, had the unique opportunity of attending the screen debut of her own movie, "Advice From Minnie." This took place the morning of Wednesday, November 6, in the company of kindergartners at our neighbor, imagination lab school, here at Cubberley Community Center.

Minnie was both the live and on-screen star at this session and was helped in her starring role by her special person Arlene Esquivias and good friend and avid fan Leonor Delgado. The students were so pleased with the experience that they made a series of charts summarizing the "Minnie experience" that we will use in future education sessions.

And we at PAHS say, "Thanks for the memories!" And a special thank-you to Alexa De La Cruz from Palo Alto High School who directed and produced the movie.

To have your own "Minnie experience," enjoy the movie at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XizXH77pLo

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