Today—Wednesday, April 11—Is National Pet Day! Celebrate your pets and all they…

Today—Wednesday, April 11—Is National Pet Day!

Celebrate your pets and all they give to you, and rescue another!

A little bit about National Pet Day:

Celebrated annually on April 11th, National Pet Day is an unofficial holiday that encourages all of us to pay our pets some extra attention. It is also a day to commemorate everything that our pets do for us on a daily basis. So if you have a pet, you can do something special for them on this day by taking them for a long walk; buying them a special treat or maybe, just by spending a little bit of extra time with them. After all, don’t they deserve it?

National Pet Day was founded by Colleen Paige – an Animal Welfare Advocate and Pet Lifestyle Expert – in 2006 to celebrate pets and the joy they bring into our homes. She also created the day to shine a spotlight on the plight of the many types of animals which are in shelters all over the planet.

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