Local Wild Birds Are Falling Ill with Salmonellosis PAHS sends Bay Area calle…

Local Wild Birds Are Falling Ill with Salmonellosis

PAHS sends Bay Area callers with questions about wildlife to WildCare because they offer responses and solutions that are humane. We thank WildCare for offering advice of how to best help birds suffering from salmonellosis.

Help protect songbirds from salmonellosis!
Since January 1, WildCare has admitted over 40 Pine Siskins sick and dying from Salmonella poisoning. Help us stop the spread of this disease! REMOVE bird feeders and baths if you see sick or dead birds. BLEACH feeders and baths every other day (or at least once a week) even if you don’t see ill birds. Learn more at discoverwildcare.org/salmonella or http://bit.ly/3sql2ds

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