Eightfold AI Goes to the Dogs with PAHS! Not really… the dogs went to Eightfo…

Eightfold AI Goes to the Dogs with PAHS!

Not really… the dogs went to Eightfold AI in Sunnyvale to visit hard-working employees the afternoon of Monday, May 13. PAHS Therapy Paws, our program that offers de-stressors in the form of happy and calming canines, provided this welcome visit!

Special thanks go to our teams:

—Zack Flat and Lily, a Cavadoodle puppy in therapy training
—Kathy McGinnis and Rory, a rescued Greyhound
—Andrea Kuroda Marra and Rudy, a senior Lab mix
—Beth Philbin and Max, a rescued Pug
—Arlene Esquivias (PAHS' social media manager), and Minnie, a therapy poodle

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